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House Renovation in Lahos PROJ005LAH

MV Properties > Projects > House Renovation in Lahos PROJ005LAH

House Renovation in Lahos PROJ005LAH

Village: Lahos, Ithaki

Project: House Renovation in Lahos

This old stone house with wooden floors, will be renovated and turned into a beautiful villa with swimming pool. It will be private and something quite unique. Watch this space for regular updates of the project in progress and photos!

Update: 05.04.2020: Inside plumbing and electrical installation has been complete. Further brick work and cement work has been completed in lower level of house. Lower level bathroom has been built and cemented. Final touches need for the lower level, before smooth cement is laid out and kitchen installation is done.

Exterior boundary wall has been completed, with a traditional stone wall finish. Road side boundary wall is in progress being built with cement work to a specific style and tradition chosen. This will be completed with iron railing, to provide privacy for the villa to be. Lastly a front balcony has been built and will be finished with design soon. Work has been done with regards to eliminating damp to the  underground walls side of the house to prevent any leaking or dampness for the lower level house.

The team is progressing well with finishing touches for the inside and the outside patios and paths and levelling will be completed in the next few months. Keep up to date with the photos below, as we show you a glimpse of the project in progress.

Update: 12.11.2019: Most of the interior works have been completed with the client’s desired finish. Bathroom structures have been completed with plumbing installation in progress. The roof for en-suite bedroom has been done with new roof tiles whist maintaining the original wooden structure. Cemented floors, doors and windows have all been installed securing the house. We have finished the exterior stone walls completing the aesthetic of the client’s vision.

The next steps are to complete all internal features and finishing touches in the following months to come and then we will commence with the outdoor spaces such as the  garden terraces, swimming pool and boundary walls.

Update: 14.04.2019: Inside walls have been stripped and the natural stone walls showing, with the natural wooden frames on some walls. Plastering frames have been started and cleaned up. Outside stone walls have also been shown and the house is looking more beautiful already.

Update: 05.04.2019: Inside walls have been stripped of their wooden chip board, ceiling has been stripped. Old kitchen has been demolished, and roof opened. Outside of house is being stripped of cement showing original stone house.

MV Project Management work in progress!

Project in progress photos: 12.11.2019

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