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Archives November 9, 2022

Change of Seasons

October brings a clear change of seasons in Ithaki. There is such a peace and tranquility in the air, as the taverna’s begin to close up for the winter months ahead, the visitors on the island are few and far between, mainly cyclists and avid walkers, enjoying the most breathtaking nature walks in the cooler autumn weather. 

We started off this month with the annual Fish festival at Poli beach, where local businesses donated toward the event happening. There was a great spirit of everyone dancing and enjoying a good meal together with the local fish and traditional accompaniments. The cars were parked all the way up the hill of Poli bay, it was a great turnout and very festive indeed.

Another item on the agenda for the locals coming up is olive picking season, which will begin at the start of November. The olive trees are all ripe with olives, the branches are heavy and ready to be harvested. Olive picking is no easy task, it takes days of hard work, pruning the trees and raking all the olives off the branches, onto a drop cloth below. The Olives are sorted, and then packed and sent off to the press to make Olive Oil. One can also keep a selection of some of the olives to preserve in a salt and vinegar brine to make one’s own tasty olives.

Here at MV properties, we welcome the change of seasons, and although the liveliness of summer is over, we are by no means slowing down. We have many upcoming renovation projects planned over this autumn and winter time. We look forward to sharing with you some of our before and after photos as the projects get underway. We also have some new and exciting properties for sale that have just been added to our portfolio! So keep a close eye to our social media posts to see these.

At the end of October was of course Halloween. Although we don’t really partake in it here on the island, we would like to wish a Happy Halloween to all our American clients and those that do take part. Some of the children still find it fun to dress up and we try our best to make it fun for them.

We wish you all the best for the change of seasons in your own lives, until next time.